Friday, May 8, 2015

News of the Week May 8, 1915 -- May 8, 2015

The 08-May-1915 Motography featured "News of the Week as Shown in Films," with items from current newsreels.

"Ex-President Roosevelt on the witness stand at Syracuse, New York.  Copyright 1915 Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  Newspaper publisher William Barnes, Jr sued Theodore Roosevelt for libel after Roosevelt called him "a political boss of the most obnoxious type."  Roosevelt eventually won.   

"Opening of masters tournament at Manhattan Chess Club.  Copyright 1915 by Pathe News."  The Manhattan Chess Club started in 1877 and went out of business in 2002.  This tournament started on 19-April-1915.  The top prize was $250.  Cuban Master José Raúl Capablanca won first prize, winning 13 games and drawing 2. 

"American peace conference delegates sail for The Hague.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  The Women's Peace Congress met in The Hague, hoping to find a path to a negociated solution the Great War. 

"Serbian Red Cross officials greet Sir Thomas Lipton's party at Belgrade.  Copyright 1915 Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  British yachtsman Sir Thomas Lipton, founder of the tea company, tried to win the America's Cup five times between 1899 and 1930, always with a boat named Shamrock.  He never won, but he was widely respected for his sportsmanship. He did much work for the Red Cross during the war.    Notice that the magazine has started using "Serbian" rather than "Servian." 

"Australian troops near the Egyptian pyramids.  Copyright 1915 by Pathe News."  Troops from Australia and New Zealand did much of the fighting in Egypt and the Middle East.

"Russian steamer destroyed by Turks at Sebastapol, Russia.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  Turkish ships, often led by Yavuz, the former German ship SMS Goeben, and commanded by a German officer, attacked Sevastopol on several occasions. 

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